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Senin, 17 Februari 2014

Embodying The Spirit of Ulama

A blessing when it’s lost, it is recognized.

We must be sad for watching many ulama leaving recently. In March 21, 2013, one of the most notable Sunni scholars, Syeikh Muhammad Said Ramadhan al-Bouty, was killed in the mosque where he gives his lecture. Many questions rise about his death and remain unanswered. From our blessed country, late period of 2013 is marked by deep sadness because the founder of Majlis Rasulullah, Habib Munzir Al-Musawa, is passing away. Not too far after, in the dawn of January 24, 2014, the chairman of Indonesian Ulama Council, KH Ahmad Sahal Mahfudz, blowed his last breath.

The death of ulama, in hadist, stated as an alert for the removal of religious knowledge from earth. Annas ibn Malik Ra narrated: I have heard the messenger of Allah saying: the signs of the Hour are the religious knowledge will be diminished, ignorance will prevail, adultery will be committed openly, women will outnumber men until there will be one man for every fifty women (Bukhari, Muslim).

In other hadist, Rasulullah PBUH explains how the demolition of knowledge will be. Abdullah Ibn Amru Ibn al-‘Ash narrated Ra that Rasulullah PBUH saying: Allah does now take away knowledge by taking it away from the people, but take it away by the death of ulama till none of them remain, then people will take as their leaders the ignorant ones who when consulted will give their verdict without knowledge. So they will go astray and lead the people astray (Muslim). 

Death is inevitable, but the death of ulama is another thing we have to worry about. We can’t stop –nor can we even predict- the death of anybody, but it’s necessary to react the proper response after the going of our many highness ulama. Here are my opinions:

1.       Learn hard, save the legacy of our blessed Ulama!

What may disappear with the leaving of Ulama is knowledge, as it is also a definitive quality that settles them their high position above others. Inevitably then, it’s our duty to make sure that our religious intellectual culture is remain somehow sustained. Our Holy Qur’an first reveal comes with five verses of al-‘Alaq, begun with the word iqra which means: read!

2.      Follow their attitude!

What lies in mind is not always represented by action and attitude. We know from our long history, and also from the daily life: people whose minds are full of important data, mastering sciences but unfortunately act unwisely toward the world and sciences that even harm humanity. The simplest sample is what we know from one of the most genius man ever, Albert Einstein addressing the nuclear threat. 

In Islam, we know the term “ulama rabbani”. Imam al-Qurthuby said in his tafsir that ulama rabbani are religious that practice their religious knowledge. At this point, the integrity between knowledge and deeds is regarded.

3.      Actualize their morals!

From history we also know that the ulama with various differences of opinion are united by similarity among them, they are all individuals who put the Hereafter over the world.

The scholars are individuals who are soft -spoken, polite to each other, committed to show honor to the big and help the small, ascetic, wara’, and obsessed with worship.

4.      Spreading peace

Today, sectarian strife is getting worse in Islamic world. We have to be aware that the sign of the end of time is the happening of many conflicts –beside the death of ulama-. It’s important for us to embody into action the massage of ulama, which is the main purpose of this exceptional religion, Islam: to spread peace around the entire world.

Those, in dealing with the high tempered controversies lately, every Muslim should face it carefully: not boldly judge the cases as it looks like on surface, preferring to think deeply based on religious arguments and logical evidences rather than following the tendency of feeling that even worsens the situation.

These are, in my opinion, the guidances we must practice today, in order to carry on the spirit of our beloved ulama. Death is inevitable, but the spirit can always be transformed.

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